File changes

One big advantage of OpenDrive is, that it synchronizes silently. So when a file is changed inside a synchronized folder this is tracked. When the pc is connected to the server it then uploads the changes to the server. This works also when a file change is marked at the server. Then the pc pulls the new changes.


  • Track every change
  • Recognize the following changes to a file and the necessary action on the other side:
    • Create (File was not in any known previous location) -> Pull file
    • Move (File was at a known location. Also rename) -> Move file
    • Modify (Files content changed) -> Pull file
    • Delete (File is deleted and not at any new location) -> Delete file
  • Store as much data as necessary to provide synchronization with the other side, where it is clear what is the latest state of a file
  • Only one entry per file, even when it changed multiple times

Special cases

Nested folders

It is NOT possible to nest folders.

  • No use case
  • Redundant files
  • Harder to implement

But it is possible to add specific exclude include rules for subfolders, because of the power of regex. So instead of adding a new folder with new rules, add new regex rules that only apply inside this folder. e.g. “inner/.*.txt”. In the GUI this may be shown as it were a special rule for the subfolder.

File move

For now, it only tracks, when a file is renamed and stays inside the same folder. If the file or folder is moved, to another folder, it is recognized as delete at the old path and create at the new path. The disadvantage is, that files, that probably already exist are deleted and then pulled again. To solve this enhancement is a possible enhancement.


  1. For every folder, there is a watcher that watches
  2. On any change:
    • ignore? -> None
      • is already an entry? -> Change entry
        • add entry